Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Firewall rule administration

Firewalls, and more specifically, firewall rules, are the backbone of a robust network security infrastructure. However, firewall rules can be difficult to manage. Security administrators are often so busy with multiple change requests that they neither have the time nor resources to investigate all the implications of a change and implement changes manually. In an enterprise network, there are often multiple firewalls, and most organizations have moved or are moving to the cloud, adding more complexity and increasing challenges for admins.

Automation plays a key role in managing any rule-based firewall effectively. Enterprise networks need a firewall policy management tool that not only provides visibility into the entire firewall rule set, but also helps understand the repercussions of changes and can push these changes to the respective firewall device.

Manage rules efficiently with Firewall Analyzer
Firewall Analyzer is an intelligent firewall rule management tool that enables network security administrators to automate firewall rule administration. Admins can use this tool to automate the following time-consuming tasks:

Read More what is a network firewall and how does it work

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